Wednesday, September 18, 2024



The whole point of reading the Daily Star Sunday, is that you get to see what some obviously quite smart journalists come up with when they channel their inner idiot.

Last weekend there was the headline BROWN SAUCE SICKOS: BRITS SLAP HP ON ROAST.


There in the fine print you’ll learn that one in ten of the 2000 people polled by the manufacturers of HP sauce said it was a ‘must’ on their roast.  It seemed to be more prevalent in younger age groups, and the Geordies were the main enthusiasts, 20% of them splashing it on.  At the same time a woman for Edinburgh said she was ‘horrified’ at the idea.


Now personally I wouldn’t put HP sauce on a roast but a bacon sandwich without it is like a day without sunshine.

Being the wishy-washy liberal I am, I’m content for people to put whatever the heck they like on their food.  And I’ve never altogether understood why certain sauces supposedly go with certain foods but not others.  I mean, apple sauce on pork is great but it wouldn’t be bad on lamb would it?  Whereas mint sauce would be OK on certain chicken dishes wouldn’t it?  Orange sauce ‘goes with’ duck but wouldn’t it also go with rabbit?


Now, back in the day when me and the lads in Sheffield, had been out for a pint or three we’d pop into the chip shop on the way home and, have a pile of chips with curry sauce. We thought this was madly exotic. And it tasted great.


And not so long ago I bought the above tub of Sauce Granules Chip Shop Curry.  It came from a shop called Well Worth A Pound, though in fact it cost £1.45. It’s not as good as the curry sauce I remember, but it’s all right.  Don’t think I’d put it on a roast but if I did I wouldn’t want to be mocked by some smart lad from the Daily Star.


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