Wednesday, June 12, 2024



Have you ever had something called a Turkish omelette?  Until last week I hadn’t, but being in Walthamstow in need of breakfast and there being a restaurant nearby with a big sign offering Turkish Breakfast, in we went and we both went for the Turkish Beef Sausage omelette. It seemed a safe choice.  After a longish wait it came looking like this:


And the question I had, still have: is it meant to be like that?  The beef sausage was fine but the ‘omelette’ was a large slick of luke warm, not quite cooked, not quite scrambled, not quite set, eggs. But maybe that’s the way they like their omelettes in Turkey.


It was edible but only just.  Also they seemed to be having trouble with their coffee machine, and the coffee didn’t arrive till we were half way through eating.

I think the waiter and waitress, who were both pleasant enough, realized things hadn’t gone smoothly and we were offered a free dessert but by then we were ready to get going.

The few other diners there appeared to be having a kind of meze which looked great – the pic below is from the website – I did have food envy:


Compare and contrast with the fab dinner we had at Orford Road Tapas and Bar, a fairly authentically Spanish I think, where we’d been before. We weren’t madly hungry so didn’t go the full smorgasbord, just croquettes, a selection of charcuterie, olives, octopus with potato – arguable we overdid it a bit on the potato.  But it all went very well.  No cause for food envy.



Swings and roundabouts, rough with the smooth, innit?

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